New Criticals

RC: But why the penises?

KB: We did think about vaginas but it had to be penises. Many years ago one of us saw a political newspaper, created by activist artists. On the cover was a picture of Tony Blair with the vagina where his face should have been. The shock of it stayed with that Karen for 15 years. But it also seemed to her that the female genitals were defiled by their association with such a heartless militaristic pig. Blair’s face was improved by the intervention. We also looked at Magritte's Le Viol and thought it amplified the violence done to his mother when he de-faces the woman's portrait replacing her expressive articulate facial features with an image of a dumb torso. So instead we decided to replace the flaccid penis for the face of the senior manager as a perfect emblem of the "little man" (as Wilhelm Reich describes him). This is the main figure of control that plays Daddy (regardless of the actual sex) in the conference room, in the office, at their computer, at meetings and conferences; excited to serve the "big man" to work the big man’s machine, while maintaining his own narrow horizons, dull senses - blind and oblivious to the consequences of his actions.