New Criticals

KB: The initial impetus was revenge. We felt so helpless. We must express our anger. We wanted to do something like take down their pants in public, like naughty children do to each other in the playground. To humiliate them for not taking responsibility, for playing the role of "great men" (we saw women playing this role too), enjoying the swagger and benefits of their status, while blaming others for their failures.

They demand the impossible. Not in a good way, and not for the enrichment of human futures, but sucking up to power and policy makers - ministers, regulators, corporate leaders - negating their own experiences, demonstrating their loyalty through the implementation of trivial bureaucratic obligations. They push and push until we get sick, unable to perform, we have lost confidence in our abilities, constantly threatened with replacement. They treat people like worn out parts and discard them, rather than cherish them and maintain them into old age and retirement. Throwaway culture wins out with catastrophic consequences.