New Criticals

Conclusion: Five Questions for the 2015 class and others

My descriptive statements above and questions below are provocations for further analysis, argument, and activities. As was true for the 2007 class and all following, I am legitimately interested in learning from YouTube: its users, uses, and logics.

How has YouTube changed since 2005?

This year I added a "practicum" to the class (it is now an "Inside-Out course" connected to PEP, the California-wide Prison Education Project). A small group of Pitzer students will be taking an extra half credit of course content as we join with ten students who will be taking Learning from YouTube from within the California Rehabilitation Center at Norco, one of the few places in America (and perhaps the world) where access to YouTube (and other social media networks) is denied to human beings as a condition of their punishment.

What are the relations between social justice and social media?