New Criticals

There've been a lot of conversations lately about representations of women in feminist net art concerning the reverence of conventionally attractive, white female bodies as opposed to non-white or unconventional bodies. What are your opinions on this?

about the whole controversy with the ubiquity of white conventionally beautiful abled bodies in feminist art, i feel its well founded. by ALL means we should be questioning WHY are these bodies the ones being more prominently distributed, the ones getting the most views and attention.

i dont think this is something that can be "blamed" on the artists and their artistic intention, but i do think its something that we should be aware of. to what degree certain types of bodies, in certain types of artworks, are more palatable to the present system ie the capitalist patriarchy and how that affects whatever criticality they may have.

i think we owe it to ourselves as peers to be critical of both the artworks and the distribution channels, galleries, shows, institutions etc. why is it that this kinda work is more visible? can it still be subversive? how can it maintain its edge without becoming more noise in the daily conventional white skinny ablest beauty discourse that we're spammed with everyday?