New Criticals

It’s not hard to imagine that the reddit’s response to Unidan’s reveal would have been different if he were a woman or person of color. He could afford to offer a half-hearted, “cheers to the admins,” sorry-not-sorry apology and even continue to contribute to the community as UnidanX (at least until he figured out reddit was still annoyed and was unlikely to show him with karma) with little fear. This is not to suggest that had he been the target of doxxing or harassment for his actions it would have been deserved; instead, I mention this because the current state of geek masculinity which dominates many online cultures (reddit included) continues to marginalize, intimidate, and silence women, sexual minorities, people of color, and their allies. Unidan will never be accused of not being a “real” redditor, even if he did egregiously manipulate reddit’s affections. Thus, it is unlikely that he would have been the target of such a campaign. Could we say the same had he been a woman? By acknowledging the complex (and unstated) ways in which algorithmic logic often intersects with and reflects a very particular set of cultural politics, instead of simply viewing them as neutral tools, we can begin to untangle the ways that dominant voices remain privileged in these spaces – and ensure that our technologies are not simply reinscribing the same old systems of difference.