New Criticals

As I hope it is beginning to be clear, entropy has nothing to do with the vague notion of disorder and has instead everything to do with why ordered structures and organizations exist at all--Life is an evolving network of interactions that involve ever more complex cycles of matter which result in more and more irreversible processes which produce more and more entropy. Entropy itself, however, is simply the word we've affixed to the probabilistic tendency of energy to equalize its distribution everywhere in space, or saying the same thing, to spread out as far as possible. As much as it sounds like a macabre joke, and it partially is, everything happens for a reason. That reason is the production of entropy. Beginning with the next post, we can begin to see how this reason organizes and explains the evolution of life.


Thumbnail Image: Closed systems subject to energy flux may be spontaneously driven to states of higher complexity and organization.